Explore your creativity using art methods and materials, creative writing, memoir, storytelling, music, meditation and mindfulness
Introducing Judy Nemer Sklar
JUDY NEMER SKLAR is a professional artist, writer, and expressive arts facilitator residing in Palm Desert, California. She is passionate about the creative process and believes that using art-making along with a mindfulness practice can be highly beneficial for those in both creative and non-creative fields.
She received her Bachelor of Arts from Chapman University, Orange, California and her Master of Arts from California State University Dominquez Hills, California. She is currently completing her Post-Master’s Certification in Expressive Arts Therapy.
Along the way she has been the proud recipient of grants and scholarships, has shown her art in numerous galleries and has won regional and national juried art awards. She has sold her work in the United States and abroad. Her art and writing have been published in various art, wellness and children’s journals.
In 2018 she developed a creative art workshop program entitled “Embracing A Creative Life Workshops for Health and Wellness” teaching at both large and small venues including organizations such as Sunnylands/Annenberg Foundation & Trust, Eisenhower Medical Center and the Riverside County Department of Education.
Nemer Sklar, served as facilitator for the 2022 program “A Gathering Process: Using Talking Circles and Mindfulness Art to Process Through a Pandemic” in coordination with Riverside County Department of Education and Sunnylands Center & Gardens which has been extended into 2024-2025.
Nemer Sklar’s is currently continuing her education at the C. G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles in the Certificate Program in Jungian Studies with a focus on psychological insight and growth.
You can learn more about Judy and her Art at her website: JUDYNEMERSKLAR.COM

Participant Reviews
“Wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed your two watercolor classes. I learned a lot and had a nice time with you and my classmates. Thanks for your generosity of spirit and gifts.”
K. Wilson
“Connection of hearts with art through listening, talking circles, nature and artmaking truly made this one of the best workshop trainings I have ever attended.”
Anonymous Gathering Process Participant
“I will use the journal and make sure to save time for my own art. It is something that calms me and Is great for my mental health. These past two weeks have really shown me how important it is for me to give myself time.”
Anonymous Gathering Process Participant